quick houmus flatbread
This is barely a recipe but as it is something that I make almost every week and is so handy that I hope it helps get you out of a hole too.
On nights or lunchtimes when I need to get food into my boys’ hungry tummies fast I have a few staples I reach for. This is one of them. I’ve made a version of it since they were first on solids. Don’t be put off by thinking this is just food for children – it is a great quick healthy lunch for anyone. I love it alongside some home-made soup or sometimes with some shredded chicken and fresh tomatoes on top.
I keep wholegrain flat breads in the freezer all the time. They are perfect for throwing together a quick pizza-ish dinner or for serving with curries. You could also use pita or a tortilla. I also always have greens in the fridge and spinach in the freezer – that way I can throw a handful into whatever I’m making for dinner.
I toast the flatbread so it is pretty crispy. Then I top it with houmus. Then, I use my coarse Microplane to grate raw carrot onto the houmus – usually 1 small carrot per flatbread. The coarse Microplane in the photo above is my weapon of choice whenever I want to make raw carrots and apples into a child-friendly mush. It is the one sold for grating ginger and Parmesan. You can buy it through my shop.
Finally, I throw on as much chopped rocket/watercress/lettuce or defrosted, frozen chopped spinach as I dare. The quantity changes depending on how agreeable the boys are being in the greens department. The sweetness of the carrot and the houmus does go a long way to hiding the green flavour so I can get away with a pretty decent amount. I mix it all together a bit on top of the bread then smooth it out.
Then I either cut it into wedges, like a quesadilla or slices, like a pizza. If you want to make a wrap, just use a warmed rather than toasted flatbread. Easy.
You can now buy the equipment I use in this recipe through my shop. I’ve spent years testing my favourite bits of equipment so rest-assured that whatever I recommend is the best tool for the job and will give you great results without cluttering your kitchen with unused tools. I receive a small affiliate fee from Amazon if you buy via my link. The products don’t cost you any more. These small fees help me keep creating all the free content I share.
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